Feedback and Complaints
How to lodge a complaint or provide feedback to CFMG Capital
At CFMG Capital, we value our customers feedback and are constantly seeking to improve our customer service and product offering. If you have any feedback on our products or services, we’d like to hear from you.
Here are the different ways you can submit your feedback:
- Fill in the Feedback & Complaints Form below
- Call us on 1800 442 909
- Email us at:
- Write to us at: CFMG Capital, GPO Box 1993, Brisbane QLD 4001
Feedback and Complaints Form
Please fill in the below feedback and complaints form. All fields are mandatory unless stated otherwise.
Please read CFMG Capital’s Privacy Policy before submitting the form. CFMG Capital will use your personal information to contact you in relation to your enquiry.
How we will manage your feedback or complaint
You will receive an email acknowledgement of your feedback or complaint within 1 business day of receipt.
A member of our Dispute Resolution Team will begin assessing your feedback or complaint. We may need to contact you further to request additional information.
We aim to respond and resolve feedback and complaints quickly with a fair outcome within 30 days. If you are unhappy with the resolution, you can lodge a complaint with the AFCA.
Who is the AFCA?
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.
AFCA Contact Information
Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited, GPO Box 3, Melbourne Vic 3001